Sunday, July 3, 2011

Movie Synopsis - Laddaland

Movie Review - Laddaland
Movie Trailer - Laddaland

The movie began with a happy father, Thee, decorating his new house while waiting for his family to move in with him. Thee was a very devoted father who had been working his whole life trying to provide the best for his family. Now, finally he can afford a house. He looked forward into a brand new life with his wife and two kids. When the family came, everyone was happy except for her daughter, Nan who grew fonder with her grandmother after many years of living with her.

Things went well until one day, a maid was killed and her body was hidden in the refrigerator for many days before being discover. Two night before the gruesome discovery of the maid, Thee told his wife, Parn that he wanted to hire the maid to come over and clean the house. The very next morning after Thee told Parn, he saw the maid watering plants when he went jogging. He tried to talk to her but she just walked back into the house. When the police found the dead body of the maid, her body was decomposing and her face was disfigured by acid. It was believed that she had been dead for a couple of days. The was shock to find out that the maid was dead but he recalled clearly that he saw her that morning. He hid his horrifying experience from his family. Since then, strange things began to happen in the peaceful neighbourhood.

One day while on the way out to work, he say cat poo on his driveway, he saw a black cat and he threw a shoe at it. His shoe hit the neighbour's car. The neighbour confronted him but Thee and Parn find their neighbour a bit odd. Living with the neighbour were his wife, his son and also his mother, old lady which travel in her wheel chair. Later, Parn saw bruise mark on the neighbour's wife. Parn suspected that she was abused by her husband. The neighbour's son, Golf then became close friends with Nat, Thee's youngest son. He often came over to the house to play. One day, Thee saw Parn taking some money to lend their neighbour's wife.

One night, Nan went to her friends place to finish off her project. Feeling worried over his daughter, Nat waited for her at the living room. When he came down, he thought he saw someone moving quickly in the living area. He checked the house but he couldn't find anyone. When he settled down to start his work, his aircon behave strangely, the sensor kept focusing on the spot to the right of him. He turned to his right and he saw a figure standing there. He figure ran to the kitchen after realising that Thee spotted it. Thee gave chase and realised that it was a robber. The robber threw something at him, knocked Thee unconscious and managed to escape. Parn heard the commotion and came down. She saw Thee lying on the floor with a bleeding head. Nan came home soon after that to find her father injured. She asked what happen but before she could get an answer, Thee scolded her for coming home late.

In a separate incident, something strange happen at the guard house. The guard of Laddaland was sitting in his guard house chilling and suddenly he saw a car stepped on his emergency brake out of no reason. When the car passed by the guard house, the driver told the guard that there was a woman standing in the middle of the road and he almost knocked her down. The guard was puzzled because he remember clearly there wasn't anyone. Later that night, while doing his rounds in the area, the guard saw a figure squating in the middle of the road. When he shone his torch at the figure, he saw a disfigured woman. He dropped his torch and ran for his life.

On a separate night, Nan went to her friend's house to do her project again. While on her way home, her friends insisted on checking out the haunted house (the house where the maid was murdered). They climbed the fence and entered the house. Nan decided to stay outside to wait for her friends. Nan who was outside saw something at the top window and tried to call one of her friends but no one answered. She entered the house and called again. She heard the phone ringing. She followed the ring tone and reached a small room. When she was in there, her friends came from behind and scared her. While they were face to face, with Nan looking out at the living area and her friends looking into the room. Nan saw a ghost crawling on the ceiling at the back of her friends. She was too shock to react. The ghost was crawling nearer and nearer to them. She slammed the door close and heard her friends screaming for life. They left the house without her. She was in a dilemma deciding whether to open the door or not. While she was struggling mentally, a hand drew closer to her. She felt the cold presense of the hand and ran all the way home. When she reached home, she told her dad that she saw a ghost but he asked her to come out with a better excuse if she wanted to escape from being scolded.

The next morning, she insisted that she saw a ghost. Thee scolded her. That night, she stayed over at her friend's place to do project again. This time, Thee went to the place to get her home. While on the way home, both of them had an argument, resulting in Thee forcing Nan to get into the haunted house to proof to him that there was a ghost in the house. In the process of forcing Nan into the house, Nan struggled and Thee accidentally injured her. Nan ran out of the house. Thee followed behind but just as he reached the door, the door slammed shut and he couldn't open the door. He turned behind and he saw a figure outside at the kitchen area. Feeling curious, he went over to investigate. He saw someone washing dishes behind but he couldn't really see the face. He went nearer to get a better view and he saw the ghost! He ran for his life.

The next day, Nan packed her stuff and decided to move to her friend's place to stay. Thee lost his job soon after that. He didn't tell Parn about it because he didn't want her to worry. He headed home one day to find Golf locking Nat in the closet. He got so angry with Golf and brought him back home. He told Golf's father about his actions and Golf got a slap on the face. Thee got shock by his neighbour's huge reaction.

Thee who lost his job, went around looking for job but he couldn't find any. Feeling stress over his huge amount of debt, Thee got into a depression. One day, he came home and couldn't find Nat. He saw the neighbour's cat in his house. Knowing that the cat had a camera on its collar, he took out the camera to look at the photos, hoping to find out the whereabouts of Nat. When he looked at the photos, he got the shock of his life. The camera captured the image of the maid's disfigure ghost. As he browse to more photos, he saw Nat in the haunted house. He quickly ran to the haunted house. He searched everywhere but he couldn't find Nat. Suddenly, he heard a loud noise coming from the kitchen. He went to the kitchen and he tracked the sound. It was coming out from the fridge. He went to the fridge and something was trying to get out from the sealed fridge. The fridge was the one where the maid's dead body was hidden. The sound from within got louder. He fridge was shaking. Fearing that Nat was trapped in the fridge, Thee tore the seal but he was too afraid to open the fridge door. Just as he was about to open the fridge, Parn called him and told him that Nat got home already. At that moment, he stared at the fridge. Suddenly, the fridge door flung open. Thee first response was lightning quick. He slammed the door shut and ran home. When he reached home, he ask Nat why did he go to the haunted house. Nat said that Golf made him go there to get the cat.

Thee got so angry and went next door. He scolded the neighbour and asked him to teach his misbehaving son, Golf. Out of anger, he also mentioned about the money his wife owed Parn. Upon hearing the money issue, the neighbour went into the house and took money for Thee. The neigbour was very pissed over the issue. He threw the money at Thee. The next few days, they did not see the neighbour. One morning, while Parn was throwing rubbish, she realised that their neighbour had no rubbish. She looked intot the house and saw the pale wife of the neighbour looking out the window. Parn smiled to her. That night, Thee saw the old lady walking in driveway without the wheel chair.

One morning, while Thee was having an interview, he was interrupted by a call. He rushed back to see dead bodies being carried out from his neighbour's house. He got shock. From the other surrounding neighbours, he found out that his neighbour were dead for a few days already. Parn was horrified because she recalled seeing the wife at the window just the day before. Since then, every night they could still hear the sound of the sewing machine coming from next door. Thee woke up one night because he heard the ringing sound of the old lady's bell. She used the bell to call for the cat. Everyone in the house were so stress by the haunting sound coming from the neighbour's house. Parn asked Thee to move back to Bangkok and rent a house there. Thee disagreed, claiming that he put a lot of money on the house and insisted on staying. On the same night, Parn heard kids giggling in Nat's room. She rushed to the room and saw Nat sleeping. She lied down next to Nat and Nat who pretended to be sleeping, signalled to the ghost of Golf who was sitting next to the bed to be quiet.

One afternoon, Parn was cleaning up the house and she found her living room in a mess. The floor was filled with toys. Parn called for Nat and scolded him for causing the mess. Nat denied and claimed that it was Golf who did it. Parn got angry and accused Nat for lying. Nat insisted that he didn't lie and he told Parn that Golf was in the house and they were now playing hide and seek. They looked for the whole house but couldn't find Golf. Parn who got scared started hitting Nat and kept accusing him of lying. Thee came home and Parn begged him to move back to Bangkok. He disagreed. He didn't want to move back to Bangkok because he didn't want to face his mother-in-law whom always looked down on him. Parn who couldn't take the stress anymore called her mother and her mother agreed to let them move back to Bangkok.

Thee found a job at a sundry shop. One day, he bumped into her daughter that went to the sundry shop to buy things. He was embarrassed. Later that day, Nan came home and saw her dad fixing the swing. When Nan entered the house, Parn asked her to pack up because they will be going back to Bangkok. While taking in her hang clothes, one of her towel flew to the neighbour's house. As she stayed at her friend's place, she didn't know that her neighbours were dead. She called for the neighbour but nobodty responded. She climbed into the house to search for the towel. When she found the towel, she saw a pair of legs coming her way. She got scared. She tried to hide in between the bed sheets which were hung to dry. She tried to remain quiet but she accidentally made a sound and the legs moved really fast to her direction. As she was crawling to run away from the legs, she bumped into a wheel chair. She looked up and saw a disfigured face. She scream and alerted her parents. She was sent to the hospital. She was still screaming while in the hospital.

Parn blamed Thee for putting her daughter in such a condition. Parn said that if Thee loved the house so much, he can continued to stay there. She will bring her children along to Bangkok. That night, Parn stayed at the hospital. Thee went home with Nat. Thee slept with Nat that night. In the middle of the night, Thee woke up and couldn't find Nat. He searched for the whole house but Nat was no where to be seen. He called Parn. He went next door to find Nat. When he entered the house, he was confronted by the ghost of Golf in the living area. He went upstairs into the sewing room and he saw the ghost of the wife. He then went to the master room and saw the reenactment of what happen on the night of the killing. Then he saw the husband sitting at the corner of the bed. The husband attacked him. Thee took out his gun to self defence. He fired a few shot at the ghost of the husband but missed. Nat who was hiding in the closet saw the whole incident. He was too afraid to come out. Parn then arrived home. She looked next door and saw Thee at the neighbour's house. She went next door and was attacked by the ghost of the old lady. She rushed upstairs. Meanwhile, Thee was in the room holding his gun up waiting for the ghost of the husband to appear. Suddenly, he heard sound coming from the stairs (which is Parn) and also sound coming out from the closet (which is Nat). Thee pointed his gun at the door then the closet but he chose to shoot at the closet. Upon hearing the gun shot, Parn rushed to the room and saw blood flowing out from the closet. She opened the closet and saw Nat wounded. He was unconscious. Thee was terrified because he shot his son. He pointed the gun to himself and pulled the trigger. Just before he pulled the trigger, Nat gained consciousness. Parn screamed in horror.

In the ending scene, Parn drove both her kids, Nan and Nat to Bangkok. While driving, Parn told Nan that Thee was a very devoted and responsible father. When Parn found out that she was pregnant with Nan, she thought of an abortion but Thee went to see Parn's mother and asked to marry Parn. Even though he know that Parn's mother hated him, he insisted in marrying Parn. He worked his whole life hoping to provide the best for the family. Upon hearing that, tears rolled down the cheeks' of Nan.

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