Sunday, June 19, 2011

Movie Synopsis - The Lost Bladesman

The opening scene of the movie was Cao Cao (Jiang Wen) attending Guan Yu's funeral. In the scene, Guan Yu's decapitated head was buried with a wooden body.

The movie then took the viewers back to 20 years ago when Guan Yu (Donnie Yen) was separated from his sworn brother Liu Bei, and he temporarily served Cao Cao while he waiting for news from Liu Bei (Alex Fong). At the Battle of Baima between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, Guan Yu slayed Yuan Shao's general Yan Liang (Chin Siuho) and won the battle of Baima. As a reward, Cao Cao recommended to the emperor that he should grant Guan Yu the title of "Marquis of Hanshou". He was also promoted him to the rank of a Lieutenant General.

During that time, Liu Bei's family and his concubine, Qilan (Betty Sun), also stayed in Cao Cao's territory. Cao Cao constantly gave precious gifts to Guan Yu, hoping that he will changed his mind and stayed to serve his army. However, after multiple attempts, Guan Yu still refused to serve Cao Cao.

One night, news came and Guan Yu found out that Liu Bei was at Yuan Shao's territory. Guan Yu asked Cao Cao to release Liu Bei's family, and Cao Cao agreed. However,Guan Yu didn't know that Qilan was left behind by Cao Cao on purpose.  As Cao Cao was aware that Guan Yu was secretly in love with Qilan, he spiked Guan Yu's drink, hoping that Guan Yu would lose control and conduct adultery with his own sister-in-law. However, Guan Yu managed to remain rational and did not take his sworn brother's concubine for himself.

The next morning, Guan Yu and Qilan made preparations to leave Cao Cao so that they could go and reunite with Liu Bei. Cao Cao's followers strongly against his decision to let Guan Yu go. They felt that Guan Yu might become a threat in future.

Despite all the opposing remark, Cao Cao strictly ordered that Guan Yu must be spared, allowing him to embark on a safe journey. However, along the way, Guan Yu faced many officials who tried to kill him. He had to fight his way through the journey. Along the way, he slayed Kong Xiu, Han Fu, Meng Tan, Bian Xi, Wang Zhi and Qin Qi. Later, it was revealed that it was the emperor, and not Cao Cao, who issued the order to assissinate Guan Yu.

After a final conversation with Cao Cao, Guan Yu and Qilan continued their journey. However, the emperor sent assassins with crossbow to go kill Guan Yu. Qilan was killed in the ambush. Guan Yu was angry with the emperor and he turned his back on Cao Cao. He headed to reunite with Liu Bei. He fought alongside Liu Bei against the rival states of Wei and Wu for the next twenty yeards until his death.

At the end, the scene went back to Guan Yu's funeral. Before the film ends, Cao Cao commented on who was responsible for Guan Yu's death.

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